PQ 2015 – Academy of Performing Arts Bratislava



The Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava is the oldest educational institution in Slovakia specialised in training students in the performing arts and artistic creation as well as arts management and production. Its three faculties (Music and Dance, Film and Television, THEATRE) provide theoretical and practical training in the performing arts and film. The school was founded in Bratislava in 1949.

The Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU) is a present-day-oriented school open to students from the entire world. VŠMU is fully accredited as university within the Slovak education system, providing complex bachelor’s and master’s study programmes in the fields of Performing Arts.

International students wishing to study temporarily at VŠMU have a wide range of possibilities to choose from – one-semester or full-year study stays within the framework of various European and non-European mobility programmes, specially created study-abroad programmes, cooperation arrangements between university networks, summer schools and so on.

The THEATRE FACULTY independently and freely enhances the development of educational, artistic and scientific activities and creates favourable conditions for artistic creation. The school cooperates with art schools, and cultural and social institutions in Slovakia and abroad. Its graduates are among the leading theatre artists at home and abroad. Currently, the Theatre Faculty has the following accredited programmes: acting, stage directing and dramaturgy, theatre management, puppetry, puppetry directing and dramaturgy, PUPPETRY SCENOGRAPHY AND TECHNOLOGY, theatre studies, SCENOGRAPHY.

Artistic activities of the Theatre Faculty are parts of the educational process and various artistic projects. The school produces 10 to 16 plays or alternative productions annually and presents them in its studio theatre – Theatre Lab – where the students perform their productions from the 2010 / 2011 season.

The THEATRE FACULTY of the Bratislava Academy of Performing Arts presents its theatre productions and projects on domestic stages and also enables its students to perform on foreign stages at various festivals of theatre schools. Its productions successfully represented Slovakia at festivals in Nancy (France), Rome (Italy), Saint Petersburg (Russia). The school annually participates in the following festivals: Zlomvaz in Prague, Encounter in Brno, international festivals in Warsaw, Vienna, Subotica and many other meetings of young artists (Turkey, Slovenia, Poland, Moldova among others).


V3 – the main buliding in the heart of historical center of Bratislava, on Ventúrska 3. It accomommodates the Rector´s Office, Administration Offices, classrooms of Language Department and some Theatre Faculty rehearsal rooms.

Z1 – the building of Music and Dance Faculty is located on Zochova 1 and also host the Dean´s Office and Puppetry Department of the Theare Faculty in the spaces under the roof.

S2 – the building of Film and Television Faculty is located on Svoradova 2

S4 – the building of Theatre Faculty is located on Svoradova 4

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PQ 2023

PQ 2023

Študentská expozícia SR / VŠMU na medzinárodnej výstave scénografie Pražské quadrenále 2023, ktoré sa uskutočnilo v dňoch 8.-18.6.2023. Details »



Svobodays na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU 9-12.5.2023. Srdečne pozývame.

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Biela noc 2021

Biela noc 2021

Nie je to len miesto. Nie je to len budova. Je to organizmus, ktorý žije. Organizmus, ktorého telom sú tehly a kožou je omietka. Ako každý organizmus, aj tento má svoje orgány, ktoré neustále pracujú na jeho fungovaní. Ale ako všetko živé aj toto potrebuje “dobiť baterky”. Na chvíľu spomaliť a počkať, kým sa všetky paličky rozsvietia na zeleno. A potom pokračovať na vo svojom živote, v tom dokonalom, nikdy sa nekaziacom cykle. Alebo … ?

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Verejný prieskum prác

Zimný prieskum


V pondelok a utorok – 20.12. a 21.12.2021 od 10:00 – prebehne na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU prieskum semestrálnych ateliérových prác študentov bakalárskeho a magisterského stupňa štúdia. Prieskum bude pre verejnosť dostupný online prostredníctvom streamu z MS Teams:


Prijímacie pohovory

Dodatočné prijímacie pohovory na Katedru scénografie

Katedra scénografie vypisuje dodatočné prijímacie pohovory na bakalársky stupeň štúdia.

Prihlášky posielajte do 1. 8. 2020, portfóliá podľa zverejnených podmienok do 21. 8. 2020.

Viac informácií na df.vsmu.sk/studium.


Divadelné technológie

doc. Ján Kolegár

Pozývame Vás na prednášku doc. Jána Kolegára (DF JAMU Brno) na tému “Divadelné technológie”.

Prednáška sa uskutoční vo štvrtok 24.10.2019 o 10:30 v prednáškovej miestnosti 4.18 na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU.

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Pozývame Vás na prezentáciu knihy Dagmar Inštitorisovej: Jozef Ciller. Čítanie v mysli scénografa.

Prezentácia sa uskutoční v piatok 18.10.2019 o 17:30 v historickej budove Slovenského národného divadla.

PQ 2019 Poster

Portfólio Katarína Nedelská


Portfólio Adela Hajduová


Portfólio Ivana Pekárová


Portfólio Matúš Ďuran


Portfólio Michaela Pavelková


Portfólio Eva Miklisova
