Výzva pre študentov a umelcov / PQ2015

Take a part at Prague Quadrennial 2015


Call for all artists and students to take part in Prague Quadrennial 2015!

Prague Quadrennial is sending out a reminder about our open calls for artists – to submit their projects for the upcoming PQ 2015!

The artistic concept of PQ 2015 includes not only expositions of countries and regions, but also a variety of project formats that enable the participation of individual artists.

Up to October 31, 2014, individuals and art groups can submit proposals for the following PQ 2015 projects:

The Objects Exhibition will to exhibit props and their stories, it´s commissioned by the artist/architect Tomáš Svoboda (CZ). Not only the props themselves, but their stories too will also be exhibited by means of video installations in which the stories are told by the people that submitted the prop. This open call for professional artists, students of art schools, theater professionals and theater employees.

The Makers Exhibition is an experimental live exhibition that aims to exhibit the living makers in the act of making. Artists are invited to make and serve food designed with a theatrical theme as a live performance during PQ 2015.This open call is for professional artists.

The Tribes Exhibition is a costume happening in the center of Prague. The Tribes are specific groups of people with authentic masks and their own choreography. Tribes will be invited to follow a designated route through more and less public spaces in the center of the city. Each Tribe will have an opportunity to present a 10 minute performance on a stage in a public space. This open call is for professional artists and students.

Deadlines: October 31, 2014


The SpaceLab is an educational project of PQ 2015 designed for students of art schools. As a part of this project, students may apply for the following projects:

DISK Performances:
Current students and recent graduate companies can submit their own performances. We encourage work with a strong visual element, it can be high technology to no technology; it can be designed with a promenade or seated audience.

Street Performances:
Students and young artists from across the fields of visual and performing arts may propose projects (performances, live installations, circus) using the street as a canvas for the  work.

Deadlines: October 31, 2014

Click HERE for more information about the projects and HOW TO REGISTER.

The Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space is the largest scenography event in the world that explores a wide range of scenographic practices – from stage design and costume design to lighting design, sound design and new scenographic practices such as site-specific, applied scenography, urban performance, costume as performance, and much more.


PQ 2023

PQ 2023

Študentská expozícia SR / VŠMU na medzinárodnej výstave scénografie Pražské quadrenále 2023, ktoré sa uskutočnilo v dňoch 8.-18.6.2023. Details »



Svobodays na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU 9-12.5.2023. Srdečne pozývame.

Details »

Biela noc 2021

Biela noc 2021

Nie je to len miesto. Nie je to len budova. Je to organizmus, ktorý žije. Organizmus, ktorého telom sú tehly a kožou je omietka. Ako každý organizmus, aj tento má svoje orgány, ktoré neustále pracujú na jeho fungovaní. Ale ako všetko živé aj toto potrebuje “dobiť baterky”. Na chvíľu spomaliť a počkať, kým sa všetky paličky rozsvietia na zeleno. A potom pokračovať na vo svojom živote, v tom dokonalom, nikdy sa nekaziacom cykle. Alebo … ?

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Verejný prieskum prác

Zimný prieskum


V pondelok a utorok – 20.12. a 21.12.2021 od 10:00 – prebehne na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU prieskum semestrálnych ateliérových prác študentov bakalárskeho a magisterského stupňa štúdia. Prieskum bude pre verejnosť dostupný online prostredníctvom streamu z MS Teams:


Prijímacie pohovory

Dodatočné prijímacie pohovory na Katedru scénografie

Katedra scénografie vypisuje dodatočné prijímacie pohovory na bakalársky stupeň štúdia.

Prihlášky posielajte do 1. 8. 2020, portfóliá podľa zverejnených podmienok do 21. 8. 2020.

Viac informácií na df.vsmu.sk/studium.


Divadelné technológie

doc. Ján Kolegár

Pozývame Vás na prednášku doc. Jána Kolegára (DF JAMU Brno) na tému “Divadelné technológie”.

Prednáška sa uskutoční vo štvrtok 24.10.2019 o 10:30 v prednáškovej miestnosti 4.18 na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU.

Details »


Pozývame Vás na prezentáciu knihy Dagmar Inštitorisovej: Jozef Ciller. Čítanie v mysli scénografa.

Prezentácia sa uskutoční v piatok 18.10.2019 o 17:30 v historickej budove Slovenského národného divadla.

PQ 2019 Poster

Portfólio Katarína Nedelská


Portfólio Adela Hajduová


Portfólio Ivana Pekárová


Portfólio Matúš Ďuran


Portfólio Michaela Pavelková


Portfólio Eva Miklisova
