FEST-Training Ground

Masterclass on Costume Design at FEST

Justine Seymour


FEST – Training Ground is a place where upcoming film makers from all over the world gather in one week, to attend a deluxe training event from workshops to master classes, lectured by industry top experts with recognized achievements. TRAINING GROUND, is now one of the biggest learning forum in the world in the area of filmmaking, in number of participants and number of worldwide recognized experts.

Viac >>  www.fest.pt

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of FEST the organization is preparing what will surely be an unforgettable edition. To ensure we run no risk of failing your expectations we keep adding new name to the long list of guest speakers that will await you this summer in Portugal.
After the confirmation of the return of one of the major figures in the world of production design, the Oscar winning art director Eugenio Caballero, that surprised the world of film with his breathtaking work in Guillermo del Toro´s Pan´s Labyrinth, we are delighted to announce we have just confirmed another speaker.
This time around we are talking about Justine Seymour, who is coming to FEST-Training Ground to give a master class focused on Costume Design.
Seymour contributed with her artistic vision to films like Baz Luhrmann´s Moulin Rouge, Brad Bird´s Mission Impossible II, George Lucas´ Star Wars – Attack of the Clones and Ben Lewin’s The Sessions.
Over the past three years Seymour has gained attention in her area with her original creations. She has has the chance to work with some key figures in modern cinema, such as Adrien Brody and Sam Neill, in the film Backtrack by director Michael Petroni; Jessica Alba and Luke Wilson in the vintage movie Dear Eleanor, directed by Kevin Connolly; Christina Ricci , who starred in the film Around the Block, directed by Sarah Spillane, among many others .
Currently , Justine Seymour lives in Los Angeles and she is coming to Portugal to share her experience in the film world as a costume designer, to all participants interested in learning everything about one of the most unknown, yet vital, creative process´ in modern filmmaking.
Quoting Seymour: ” The design is a fluid and organic process that captures moods, emotions and personalities on a subliminal level . “

Viac >> http://fest.pt/?p=4504&lang=en

PQ 2023

PQ 2023

Študentská expozícia SR / VŠMU na medzinárodnej výstave scénografie Pražské quadrenále 2023, ktoré sa uskutočnilo v dňoch 8.-18.6.2023. Details »



Svobodays na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU 9-12.5.2023. Srdečne pozývame.

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Biela noc 2021

Biela noc 2021

Nie je to len miesto. Nie je to len budova. Je to organizmus, ktorý žije. Organizmus, ktorého telom sú tehly a kožou je omietka. Ako každý organizmus, aj tento má svoje orgány, ktoré neustále pracujú na jeho fungovaní. Ale ako všetko živé aj toto potrebuje “dobiť baterky”. Na chvíľu spomaliť a počkať, kým sa všetky paličky rozsvietia na zeleno. A potom pokračovať na vo svojom živote, v tom dokonalom, nikdy sa nekaziacom cykle. Alebo … ?

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Verejný prieskum prác

Zimný prieskum


V pondelok a utorok – 20.12. a 21.12.2021 od 10:00 – prebehne na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU prieskum semestrálnych ateliérových prác študentov bakalárskeho a magisterského stupňa štúdia. Prieskum bude pre verejnosť dostupný online prostredníctvom streamu z MS Teams:


Prijímacie pohovory

Dodatočné prijímacie pohovory na Katedru scénografie

Katedra scénografie vypisuje dodatočné prijímacie pohovory na bakalársky stupeň štúdia.

Prihlášky posielajte do 1. 8. 2020, portfóliá podľa zverejnených podmienok do 21. 8. 2020.

Viac informácií na df.vsmu.sk/studium.


Divadelné technológie

doc. Ján Kolegár

Pozývame Vás na prednášku doc. Jána Kolegára (DF JAMU Brno) na tému “Divadelné technológie”.

Prednáška sa uskutoční vo štvrtok 24.10.2019 o 10:30 v prednáškovej miestnosti 4.18 na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU.

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Pozývame Vás na prezentáciu knihy Dagmar Inštitorisovej: Jozef Ciller. Čítanie v mysli scénografa.

Prezentácia sa uskutoční v piatok 18.10.2019 o 17:30 v historickej budove Slovenského národného divadla.

PQ 2019 Poster

Portfólio Katarína Nedelská


Portfólio Adela Hajduová


Portfólio Ivana Pekárová


Portfólio Matúš Ďuran


Portfólio Michaela Pavelková


Portfólio Eva Miklisova
