
CEU Light 2012

CEU Light 2012 conference is part of PHILIPS Lights festival in Olomouc.

Our conference of Central EUroepan forum for Lighting Design in Performming Arts will take place at conference venue of the University Palackeho in Olomouc on saturday 8/9 2012 from 9 AM to 5 PM.

There are four themathics blocks planned:

1. General level of lighting design in your country / Good practice examples
2. Education in Lighting Design
3. Professional conditions in your country
4. New technologies in lighting design

It would be greate if you present about 15 minutes brief speach about each topic and after each block there will be moderated discussion.

CEU Light 2012 is a first issue, so we start with smaller format. The main working day is Saturday 8.9.2012. The working group will meet in lecture hall at Olomouc University to go through 4 main topics. Each country will be represented by one speaker who will make a small (10 – 30 minutes) talk/presentation regarding each topic. We would like to put the main focus on discussion and lively exchange of opinions and ideas, so after each presentation and each thematic block there will be at least 30 minutes reserved for discussion.

The four main thematic blocks are:

  1. General level of lighting design in your country / Good practice examples
    1. Examples of few best lighting designs in your country (in theatre, dance, opera etc.), Photos, videos, names.
    2. Your opinion on general level of lighting design in performing arts in your country.
    3. What is a development in last years – getting better or worse?
    4. Approximate number of good quality lighting designers in your country.
  2.  Education in Lighting Design
    1. Universities offering education in lighting design in your country. Quality of their study programme.
    2. Non-university educational opportunities in your country.
    3. How are the professional lighting designers being educated / trained. How do they keep up with development of technologies.
    4. Do theatre houses educate their technical staff?
    5. Are there any magazines to keep up to date? Publications? Study materials?
  3.  Professional conditions in your country.
    1. Competition – how many quality lighting designers in your country? Enough? Too many?
    2. Can lighting designer get a fee for his work as a designer? Is it reasonable?
    3. What are “habits of work” in lighting design? Do lighting designer have enough time for work? Is he/she being invited to the process of creation of a performance soon enough?
    4. Is there a proper reflection of lighting design from the side of art critics?
  4. New technologies in lighting design
    1. Are the new technologies being used? Are there enough people able to work with it? – LED lights, moving heads, video mapping, interactive lighting etc…

Participants of the Conference:

Katarzyna Łuszczyk (PL), Zoltán Vida (HU), Marta Ladjanszki (HU), Jan Šuškleb (CZ), Katarína Ďuricová (SK), Henk van der Geest (NL), Jan Rolník (CZ), Eva Novakova (CZ), Jakub Kováč (SK) Jaro Valek (SK)

PQ 2023

PQ 2023

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Svobodays na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU 9-12.5.2023. Srdečne pozývame.

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Biela noc 2021

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Nie je to len miesto. Nie je to len budova. Je to organizmus, ktorý žije. Organizmus, ktorého telom sú tehly a kožou je omietka. Ako každý organizmus, aj tento má svoje orgány, ktoré neustále pracujú na jeho fungovaní. Ale ako všetko živé aj toto potrebuje “dobiť baterky”. Na chvíľu spomaliť a počkať, kým sa všetky paličky rozsvietia na zeleno. A potom pokračovať na vo svojom živote, v tom dokonalom, nikdy sa nekaziacom cykle. Alebo … ?

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Verejný prieskum prác

Zimný prieskum


V pondelok a utorok – 20.12. a 21.12.2021 od 10:00 – prebehne na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU prieskum semestrálnych ateliérových prác študentov bakalárskeho a magisterského stupňa štúdia. Prieskum bude pre verejnosť dostupný online prostredníctvom streamu z MS Teams:


Prijímacie pohovory

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Katedra scénografie vypisuje dodatočné prijímacie pohovory na bakalársky stupeň štúdia.

Prihlášky posielajte do 1. 8. 2020, portfóliá podľa zverejnených podmienok do 21. 8. 2020.

Viac informácií na df.vsmu.sk/studium.


Divadelné technológie

doc. Ján Kolegár

Pozývame Vás na prednášku doc. Jána Kolegára (DF JAMU Brno) na tému “Divadelné technológie”.

Prednáška sa uskutoční vo štvrtok 24.10.2019 o 10:30 v prednáškovej miestnosti 4.18 na Katedre scénografie DF VŠMU.

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Pozývame Vás na prezentáciu knihy Dagmar Inštitorisovej: Jozef Ciller. Čítanie v mysli scénografa.

Prezentácia sa uskutoční v piatok 18.10.2019 o 17:30 v historickej budove Slovenského národného divadla.

PQ 2019 Poster

Portfólio Katarína Nedelská


Portfólio Adela Hajduová


Portfólio Ivana Pekárová


Portfólio Matúš Ďuran


Portfólio Michaela Pavelková


Portfólio Eva Miklisova
